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Monday, December 26, 2011

Facebook's New Features and its awesome features and Look !!!!

Previously  only one who develop any application in Facebook only given freedom to have their own view but now Since Timeline view is open for everyone any person can make their homepage colorfull !!!

Timeline is Facebook's new way of presenting you to the world. It replaces your traditional profile page, personal musings, photos and other items to share with friends. Instead of just a snapshot of you today, Timeline is supposed to be a scrapbook of your whole life.

Starting First

Start by choosing a cover photo, the image that will splash across the top. You can choose a sunset, your pet animal, a hobby, anything that reflects your interest or things which you love. The dimensions are not portrait, A close-up portrait of your face won't work well, but one of you lying horizontally will be awesome..
Your old profile photo will still be there, but it'll be smaller. If you haven't done so already, you can add where you've worked, lived and went to school. If you specify years - such as when you started a job - those items will be added to Timeline's stream of life events, even if they took place before Facebook's founding in 2004. You can also add other life events to the stream, such as when you broke your arm and whom you were with then, or when you spoke your first word or got a tattoo. By adding them to Facebook, you signal that those things really did happen.

Features and its working
The timeline stream is your life on Facebook in reverse chronological order. At the top are your recent status updates, comments from family and friends, photos you're in and events you've attended. As you scroll down, you'll get highlights from last month, then earlier in the year. Scroll down even further for last year, the year before that and so on. Click one of the "Show" links to get all posts from a particular month or year.


Eyecatching Aspects
Posts will be more sporadic the further you go back. You'll see when you joined Facebook and the first post you ever made - mine was "Anick Jesdanun is wasting a lot of time on facebook." Beyond that, you may see details about high school or college. A colleague even saw the birth of her younger brother listed, after having told Facebook which of her friends were her siblings.
The bottom simply says "Born" with your birth date and birthplace, if you've chosen to share that. With Timeline, you can jump more quickly to older posts.

Timeline’s Advantages

Another thing to consider: Although your privacy settings remain the same, your list of friends has likely grown over the years, and your definition of friends has probably broadened to include parents, bosses and random flings at weddings. Someone you didn't know in 2008 would suddenly have easier access to something you posted then.

Updating the Privacy Settings

You can change who has access to which posts. Perhaps you'd want to narrow an embarrassing photo from Thanksgiving to family members who were there. You might want to delete other posts completely or hide them so that only you can see them. You can change the date on a post. For example, if you had waited a week to tell the Facebook world that you broke up with someone, you can change the date to reflect when all the screaming and crying took place. You can also add where you were, retroactively using a location feature that Facebook hadn't offered until recently.


For major events in your life, you can click on a star to feature them more prominently. You'll likely feel overwhelmed when you see your Timeline for the first time. Years-old posts made by people you're no longer friends with are still there. Musings on a trip or a long-forgotten event suddenly lack context. Your life may also come across as duplicative, such as when multiple friends post similar photos from the same party. To set up Timeline, Go to this link To View more interesting and hot topics click here Other Topics to know more !!!

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